MAKEXEF Competition Rules

One. Promotion and participants. The Carreño Town Council (hereinafter THE PROMOTING ENTITY), as part of its actions to promote the CANDÁS Sardine Festival, proposes to develop an amateur cooking competition to promote the gastronomic culture related to this fish
To undertake and execute this promotional action, the PROMOTING ENTITY will collaborate with the commercial entity MON EVENT, S.L.U. (hereinafter MON EVENT)
MON EVENT will execute, within Spain and under the indications of the PROMOTING ENTITY, a promotional campaign aimed at all users of legal age who wish to participate in the competition by registering on the promotional website, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions
Two. Duration. The promotional period shall comprise the following periods:
- Online knockout phase (entries): from 00:00 on 25 August 2022 to 23:59 on 12 September 2022, inclusive.
- Final in-person phase: 24/09/2022
Three. Prizes. The following prizes will be awarded as part of the promotion:
- The winner of the Competition will receive a prize of 2,000 euros.
- The finalists of the Competition, with the exception of the winner, will receive a prize of 250 euros to reimburse them for organisational and travel expenses for participating in the finals of the competition in the Principality of Asturias
Four. Key aspects of the promotion. The Promotion follows the format of an amateur cooking competition divided into two knockout stages_
Cuarta.- Mecánica de la promoción.- La Promoción se constituye en el formato de un concurso de cocina amateur distribuido en dos fases eliminatorias.
- Online knockout phase: lasting from 25 August to 12 September 2022, consisting of the compilation, through a registration form on the website, of unpublished videos showing the preparation of a recipe of a dish, in which the main ingredient is sardines, by the participants registered in the competition and in accordance with these Rules, resulting in the selection of ten finalists by a jury appointed by the PROMOTING ENTITY
- Purpose of the first phase. It consists of the recording and submission of an unpublished video featuring each participant preparing a recipe for a dish in which the main ingredient is sardines, which will be attached as a link (to a website or open-access social network where the video is uploaded) in the entry form hosted on the website The publication in which the video is included must include the hashtag #makexef.
- Admission deadlines. Videos will be accepted for the competition from 00:00 hours on 25 August 2022 until 23:59 hours on 12 September 2022.
- Selection of finalists. A jury appointed by the PROMOTING ENTITY will validate entries based on the rules and will assess the participants' videos, selecting ten finalists who will qualify directly for the final of the competition. The finalists must send the file of their video to the organisation, with the aim of documenting the phases of the competition, as well as to disseminate and publicise the competition and the finalists in its communication and social media channels (belonging to the PROMOTING ENTITY and to those entities and institutions that support the Sardine Festival, this distinction being at the discretion of the PROMOTING ENTITY.
- Requirements for participation. This is an amateur competition exclusively aimed at non-professionals of legal age. Participation in this competition is restricted to individuals who work in the restaurant sector with a direct link to the professional activity of cooking. The winner of the previous edition is not eligible to participate in the current promotion. By accepting these Rules and Conditions and registering for the Competition, participants responsibly declare their compliance with these requirements. MON EVENT and the PROMOTING ENTITY may, at their own discretion, assess the participants' applications and exclude from the Competition those who, in their opinion, have participated incorrectly by failing to comply with the truthfulness clause regarding their data or the participation requirements mentioned in this clause.
Video requirements. Participants in the Competition must meet all of the following requirements in order to submit their videos:
The videos must be unpublished and not exceed one minute in length.
The dishes submitted must be prepared solely by the participant who has registered for the Competition using the competition entry form. Submitting a recipe prepared by an individual other than the person who entered the Competition will be grounds for disqualification, and only one person will be allowed to participate in the video
Criteria for assessing the recipes. The guidelines for evaluating the recipes submitted in video format in the online knockout phase of the competition will take into account the description of the ingredients and the methods used in their preparation. To this end, it is advisable that the systems or methods applied in the cooking process be practical, omitting unnecessary elements. Although the style of the videos is free and open to the creative subjectivity of each participant, the following will be valued:
The correct preparation of the products and the prominence of the main ingredient: sardines.
Mastery of cooking techniques applied to the recipe.
Originality, new concepts and innovative ideas.
Appetising appearance, preserving the essence of the products.
- In-person knockout phase: to be held on 24 September 2022 in CANDÁS (Asturias) and consisting of the live preparation of a recipe, in which the main ingredient is sardines, by the ten finalists selected in the online phase of the competition. The result from this in-person event will be the election of a winner of the competition by a jury appointed by the PROMOTING ENTITY in accordance with the scoring criteria set out in these rules. This final phase will be recorded on video by MON EVENT, for which the corresponding authorisations for the use of the participants' images will be granted to the PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT.
- Purpose of the final phase. The final phase of the Competition will consist of a live event in the former Ortiz factory, located in CANDÁS (Asturias), where the ten finalists selected in the online phase will prepare the dish they presented in the initial phase. The event will be attended by the public and the media.
The final of the Competition will take place in two rounds of 5 participants each.
Each finalist will prepare a single recipe (the one submitted in the online phase), which they will serve to each of the members of the jury
The organisation will provide the finalists with the materials and ingredients necessary to prepare the dish on equal terms, including: the main ingredient (sardines), frying pans, salt and basic kitchen utensils.
The finalists must specify in advance the cooking equipment they require, for which the organisation offers them a grill or induction hob.
The rest of the elements required to prepare the dish, as well as other elements or ingredients to accompany, garnish, decorate or serve it, will be provided by the contestants, under their responsibility and after confirmation by an agreement with the organisers, for which a list must be submitted prior to the final.
Participants will have 30 minutes to prepare the recipe and present it on the plates. The time limit must be strictly adhered to, which means that participants must present their dish as is once the 30 minutes preparation time has expired. No preparation or element incorporated into the dish will be judged by the jury after the time has expired.
The participants may bring additional ready-made or pre-cooked preparations to shorten the preparation time of their recipe to fit the 30-minute time limit. However, the sardines will be delivered to them before the start of the round and will have to be cooked within the time limit.
A jury appointed by the PROMOTING ENTITY will be present during the preparation process and will evaluate the result, selecting and publicly announcing the winner of the competition at the end of the event. There may be a prior press conference to publicly broadcast the announcement.
Scoring and judging criteria for the final. The jury's assessments will be made according to the following scoring criteria, with a maximum possible score of ONE HUNDRED POINTS (100).
- Taste, flavour, texture and aroma (maximum 30 points)
- Integration of sardines into the recipe (25 points)
- Preparation of the sardine (maximum 25 points)
- Visual phase: presentation and cleanliness: (maximum 10 points)
- Originality and innovation in the recipe (maximum 10 points)
In the event of a tie, the person presiding over the jury shall have the casting vote.
Five. Selecting the participants
- Between 13 and 14 September 2022, the jury will select ten participants plus three reserves for the final of the competition. They will be notified by email to the address provided on the registration form. The ten selected participants will have a period of two calendar days from this notification to accept and confirm their participation in the in-person phase of the competition. If no express acceptance is received or if they refuse the invitation, the list will be completed with the reserves from the online knockout phase until the list of ten selected candidates has been completed.
Scoring and judging criteria for the final. The jury's assessments will be made according to the following scoring criteria, with a maximum possible score of ONE HUNDRED POINTS (100).
- MON EVENT, under the instructions of the PROMOTING ENTITY, will send each finalist a document of conditions of participation in the final phase, which will include the points set out in these rules, as well as other points deemed necessary to clarify the actions of the parties in the context of the final event, always in accordance with the provisions of these rules of participation.
- The jury will select the winner at the end of the in-person phase on 24 September 2022. MON EVENT will deliver the prize (by payment into the bank account provided by the winner) within a maximum period of 45 days from the celebration of the event.
Six. Announcing the identity of the winners. Express acceptance of the prize. Participation in this promotion will necessarily entail the authorisation of the winner and the other participants, in favour of the PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT, to publish their name and image, if applicable, on the website and on social networks associated with promoting the Sardine Festival (this distinction being at the discretion of the PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT), as well as on the promotional website, The purpose of this authorisation is to announce the winners and to ensure the transparency of the promotion.
Seven. Processing of personal data and image rights. In accordance with data protection regulations, the organising entity hereby informs that it will process the personal data provided by the participants in the following terms:
Purpose: The purpose of processing the data is to arrange the participation of the contestants in the promotional activities described in the terms and conditions. Likewise, and as a result of the promotion, the winner's identity and image, if applicable, will be disseminated on the website and on the festival's social media channels, as already mentioned in the rules, thereby promoting transparency in the process.
Request for processing: The legitimacy for processing the personal data provided is based on the consent given by the data subject, on an individual basis for each processing event, in accordance with the purposes described.
Data communication: The data collected as a result of the promotion may be provided to other companies/agencies involved in managing the services provided by the entity (execution, administrative and/or accounting management of the promotion, Tax Agency, etc.) or ancillary to the former, as well as when legally stipulated.
The personal data required in this promotion are necessary to guarantee the transparency and objectivity of the process; therefore, participants are required to disclose them
Participants can consult our privacy policy at
Eight Possible exclusion of participants. It is the intention of the PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT that the competition between the various participants will be conducted on an equal opportunity basis and in strict compliance with the rules of good faith. Therefore, any abusive or fraudulent use of the participation system will result in the automatic exclusion from the promotion of the competitor responsibl
If any participant fails to comply with the requirements set out in the Rules, or if the data provided for participation is incorrect, or if it is proven that the intellectual property of the photographic or artistic creations of any participant has been misappropriated, their participation will be considered null and void, and they will be automatically excluded from the Promotion and lose all rights to the prizes awarded.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be understood, without being exhaustive and limited, that fraudulent behaviour exists when:
1.- An attempt is made to register falsely for the championship via the website, or an attempt is made by the same individual to enter the competition twice.
2.- he alleged use of applications that are independent of the Website is detected; the abuse of server queries, random testing of entries to the competition, and any behaviour that may appear to be abusive and/or malicious.
The finding of any of these circumstances will result in automatic exclusion from the promotion, as well as the forfeiture of the prize if awarded
The PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT shall be exempt from any liability arising from the existence of any errors in the data provided by the winners themselves that prevent them from being identified and/or located
Likewise, they shall not be liable for any loss, damage, theft, delay or any other circumstance attributable to third parties that may affect the delivery of the supporting documents or the development of this promotion
Nine. Taxes The prize money for the winner is subject to withholding tax, for which reason MON EVENT will make the necessary payment on account of personal income tax to the tax authority, amounting to 19% of the value of the prize (Art. 101.7 and D.A. Thirty-five of Law 35/2006 of 28 November on Personal Income Tax, and Art. 99.1 and 105 of the RIPF Regulation, RD 439/2007 of 30 March). MON EVENT will issue the mandatory certificate specifying such items.
The travel allowance prize is not subject to withholding or payment on account, given that in accordance with Personal Income Tax Regulations, as amended by R.D. 439/2007 of 30 March, (Art.75.3.f), prizes whose tax base does not exceed 300 euros are exempt from withholding payments. Prior to the transfer of this amount, for which a period of 30 calendar days has been established from the date of the final, each finalist must sign an acknowledgement of receipt in order for the payment to be substantiated and documented.
Ten. Advertising the Promotion. The promotion may be advertised by the following means::
* The Promotion's website
* The website
* Social Media and Microblogging
* Media: press, radio and digital
* Websites and Social Media channels of the collaborating companies and institutions, the PROMOTING ENTITY and MON EVENT
Eleven. Changes to the promotion. Participation in the promotion will entail full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules and Conditions and will imply acceptance of the interpretative decisions made by MON EVENT in accordance with the instructions of the PROMOTING ENTITY.
MON EVENT, under the instructions of the PROMOTING ENTITY, reserves the right to make any change that may be necessary to ensure the success of the promotion when just cause or reasons of force majeure prevent it from being carried out in the manner provided for in these terms and conditions.
Twelve. Limitations.
The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Promotion
- Individuals employed by any of the companies organising this competition and other entities with legal personality linked to Mon Event S.L.U., Carreño Town Council or any of the other collaborating companies.