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The jury, made up of Txema González de Murua (trained pastry chef and great fan of cooking), Fina López (cook at regional educational centers), Susana García Soto (creator of the blog "Piruletas de Jamón") and Alain J. Fernández Coordinator of Culture and Celebrations of the Carreño City Council and Organizer since 1993 of the Candás Sardine Festival (Regional Tourist Interest Festival), met to evaluate the applications received in the contest and from them, extract 10 finalists who will go to the final.
Congratulations to Noelia (Vegadeo), Julio (Gijón), Enrique (Pozuelo de Alarcón- Madrid), Mónica (Oviedo), Enrique (Mieres), Sofía (Sotrondio), Alejandro (Madrid), José Manuel (La Fresneda), José Luis (Salinas) and Iván (Perlora)!
We also want to thank all the participants in this edition who have made the work of the jury hard for their involvement.
The grand final of Ma Ke Xef will be on September 24 at 6:00 p.m.
In the Old Ortiz Canning Factory
Admission is free, it is not necessary to reserve a seat, and the capacity will be completed in strict order of arrival. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. We wait for you!